Sunday worship 10:30am – In Person/Zoom/YouTube
Complex world. Thoughtful church.

2020 Solar Options

Sunday Evening, June 14, 2020

We are pleased to announce that we will be pursuing a solar array on the flat roof of the education wing and on a new small carport canopy structure adjacent to the north entrance. This is option 4 and includes 91 KW of solar production.

We had a phenominal turnout of members at this morning’s congregational meeting, with 94 individual votes. Of those, 96.6% of the voters affirmed a solar installation. The Vision and Governance Board had recommended three option for the congregation’s discernment. The congregation voted:

30.9% for option 1, that included the flat roof and sanctuary roof (72.2 KW),

2.1% for option 2 that was the flat roof only (67 KW), and

67.0% for option 4 that included the flat roof and the small carport canopy (91 KW).

(Option 3 had been removed by the Vision and Governance Board at a previous meeting)

We will enter a Memorandum of Agreement with Sundial Solar to begin the engineering and design phase of this project. We are pursuing a variety of financing options. Thanks to those who have taken leadership in this process over many years. We anticipate this project being completed by the end of 2020.

Thank you for giving us clear direction in this process of discernment. This is a bold and faithful witness. It exemplifies our commitment to a sustainable future for the creation God has entrusted to our care.

This picture helps us visual option 1. It shows the sanctuary roof where collectors would be if we used option 1.
This picture is a good example of rooftop collectors and what they look like.
This picture is an example of a canopy with solar collectors. This is similar to what option 4 could look like.
This picture relates to option 4. It shows the part of the area where the canopy would run. The canopy would run about 50 feet to the right of the north entrance (as you face the doors).